Capoeira Nativos in London is led by Samir Nunez with over 20 years of experience practicing and teaching Capoeira to kids and adults. Our school is a place where people of all ages can come together to learn and enjoy the art of Capoeira.
"Um grito de libertade"
"a cry for liberation"
Capoeira is an art form that combines martial arts, sports, music, dance, body expression and much more. Developed in Brazil since the colonial era by Afro-descendant communities, capoeira preserves its essence as a fight for freedom.
Physical and Mental Development
Cultural Understanding
Community Engagement

Samir Nunez (Contramestre Japão) started practicing Capoeira at the age of 10, 25 year ago.Most of that time was spent working on different projects in Colombia, Brazil and most recently the UK.
Contramestre Japão
Your Teacher / Capoeira Nativos UK
Joelson Borges de Oliveira (Mestre Aranha) was born in Tumiritinga, Brazil and has dedicated his life to developing the discipline of Capoeira. He founded Capoeira Nativos in In 1992 in Colombia and now lives in Europe
Founder of Capoeira Nativos
Mestre Aranha
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